Winos & Big Cheese – Part 1

You all must be wondering why you haven’t heard from the Winos, especially after all the build up. Wait no longer, here is the first instalment.

I joined my fellow wino at her parent’s condo in Palm Springs just in time for Happy Hour. While we visited and told stories and drank… you guessed it… some wine, we took nary a photo. The wine flowed and the stories got louder and louder until we were all “shushed” into submission.

Post Happy Hour, my fellow wino and I took off for the bustling evening scene in downtown Palm Springs. Before we found our destination for the evening, we took in a few sights.

Ally & Alli with Marilyn, Palm Springs, CA

Walking down the street was a trip amongst the stars…

Sonny Bono sidewalk star, Palm Springs, CALauren Bacall sidewalk star, Palm Springs, CATruman Capote sidewalk star, Palm Springs, CA

After a lengthy block… we decided upon a Karaoke Bar and found a table, and continued to entertain the masses for the evening. To Ally’s dismay… they didn’t have her fave Joe Walsh song…

A Life of Illlusion by Joe Walsh

… she did get to sing her next fave song…

Ally raps Bust a Move in Palm Springs, CA

We retire after singing many more, mostly me, and meeting some amazing people who gave us some tips on what to see and where to stop along the way.

The next morning, after packing up “Big Cheese” a.k.a. the van, Costa (Ally’s dog) gives us the go ahead to head off to Los Angeles.

Costa, the one who is TRULY in the driver's seat. :)

After saying a teary good bye to Ally’s parents and neighbour Sylvia… we were on our way.

We plugged destination Altadena into our GPS (passed Pass-adena) and even our GPS recognized that we were driving “Big Cheese”.

Looks like a block of cheese on the map... Non?

Stay tuned… next stop… L.A. 🙂

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